Hustle Machine

Hustle Machine

Jason Marlowe & Zack Tatum

Hosted by Jason Marlowe & Zack Tatum, the Hustle Machine podcast exists to help you answer the question, “How am I gonna be happy?” as a business owner. The answer, in part, is balance and avoiding the rat race mindset businesses have been pushing for far too long. The rest, we hope, will come from the lessons you can learn from this podcast.We want to show that you can hustle as a business owner or freelancer and still establish a balance between business and personal life. We want to change up the business culture and overcome that negative training. Let's start the hustle.

Categorias: Educación

Escuchar el último episodio:

So, Zack was eating Chinese food recently and got a fortune that read, "If you're feeling down, then try throwing yourself into work."

For Zack, he saw only the pitfalls of his past - pushing too hard and too far and ending up with medical issues that nearly put him out of commission. However, Jason viewed it differently: as a way to compartmentalize and find a deeper meaning through your work. For some, work is everything - and that can be ok, but neither Jason nor Zack have the equation right.

It has to be balanced. To find meaning in work, you need to first be self aware of your limits and then you need to find a balance between your work self and your personal self. There needs to be a separation. There needs to be a clear line between work you and personal you. Otherwise, you can completely lose yourself in your work. 

For some, you might truly want to be defined by your work. For others, it's equally as important to be defined by anything else but work since work might just be a means to an end. It's all about striking a balance that you're comfortable with.

Finding meaning can be a lifelong pursuit. It can be something directly associated with your job OR it can be something completely separate that you are truly passionate about. But when you are able to meet your passion in life with your career, you are able to often feel more free and alive.

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Until next time, Hustle on!

Episodios anteriores

  • 19 - Finding Meaning in Work 
    Wed, 22 Jun 2022
  • 18 - Staying a chapter ahead 
    Wed, 15 Jun 2022
  • 17 - Lunch is for Lunchin' 
    Wed, 08 Jun 2022
  • 16 - Don't aim at success 
    Wed, 01 Jun 2022
  • 15 - Unhealthy Competition 
    Wed, 25 May 2022
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